Jon Elias is the Co-Founder & Co-Owner of Lost & Found, one of Toronto's best menswear stores. Jon has an experienced eye for the best menswear brands around the world from international hotspots Japan, Australia, London & Paris. When he's not running the shop, Jon is also an avid collector of art and is known to hit a nice jumper on the basketball court.
There's always a great influx of new brands in the shop. What are 5 of your favourite right now?
Engineered Garments, The Real McCoy's, Lady White, Norse Projects and Alden. I mean I could replace those with 5 other brands. Honestly, all the brands we carry in the shop are important to me if they weren't we wouldn't carry them.
Music plays an important role in setting the atmosphere of the shop. Who are 5 artists we might hear in L&F?
Styles are always changing. What are 5 trends you've been seeing in FW20 that you're into?
I don't really know trends as we kind of avoid them at the shop but here are some highlights for me right now. The colour purple, toques by Norse [Projects], PAA and Homespun have some great sweaters, pants by engineered garments this season are amazing and I'm all about the Viberg boots lately. As for trends, if you follow those you're bound to make mistakes. Tried and true.
COVID has taken us all for a ride. What are your 5 tips to survive these trying times?
Keeping a positive attitude is the number one thing!
Eat healthy
Take supplements
When you can, hug someone you love <3
Top 5 pieces in your rotation?
I can rattle this off with my eyes closed.
McCoy's cardigan hoodie
Engineered Garments painter's pants
Nike Air Max 90s
Gitman's [Vintage] Camp Shirt
Any graphic tee I can get my hands on
Lastly, How are you feeling about retail in general these days?
This is tough. I think the retail realm is always interesting. From brands, to fabrics to stores. Curation is what really gets me. I'm always impressed with stores who have a different interpretation of a brand. I mean retail is really at a cross roads right now in terms of how they operate. Online has been a huge piece of our operation but we love the in store experience and don't want that to change regardless of the changing climate.