Guest: Amanda & JP of Post Design Collective

1. Atlas of Furniture Design. 2019, Vitra Design Museum
"One of the most comprehensive design books featuring notable standout pieces throughout the 20th century. Beautiful book with a plethora of information!"

2. 325 Magazine, Yearly. Ryerson Department of Architectural Science (DAS)
"An amazing yearly publication that showcases the work of students from 1st year through to Master's program from Ryerson's Architectural Department. Coming from this program ourselves, we always are interested to see what is being produced and how far the program has come."

3. What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Randall Munroe
"Really just a fun, light-hearted read that takes simple problems way too seriously, sometimes how we approach problems as well."

4. The Age of Collage Contemporary Collage in Modern Art Vol 2, 2016. Gestalten
"An amazing collection of abstract and surrealist works, showcasing collage as an art in its most idealistic and interesting form. Goes largely alongside Amanda's Thesis work, and is on the list to purchase (but is sold out everywhere)."

5. Dieter Rams: the Complete Works, 2020? Klaus Klemp
"A Collection of works from one of the most influential designers (and one of our favourites, as noted in our previous interview). Also on the list for purchase and a read. One day!"
Check out all of our guest picks for June here and stay tuned to Pier Five for more stories and interviews with the coolest people around.